Letter from the President & CEO

January 29, 2025
Happy Lunar New Year! We can look forward to wisdom and good fortune in 2025. The Year of the Snake is known to bring a certain level of seriousness and thoughtfulness. These attributes describe our ACC programs and projects – including the Small Business Initiative and the Cultural Experience Series.
The ACC Small Business Initiative will begin in earnest in 2025. The primary focus of this project is to provide support to AANHPI Small Businesses throughout Colorado. In the last few months, we have been building the infrastructure of the Initiative by hiring regional staff, creating a directory database, and gathering collaborative resources. We are excited for the unique opportunity to support and grow AANHPI Small Businesses in Colorado!
The ACC understands that our diverse cultural heritage influences the way we do business and the way we are perceived by economic and financial systems. The ACC Cultural Experience Series aims to introduce our partners and Members to various ethnic groups within the AANHPI community - promoting better mutual understanding and appreciation. Guests have explored the cultures of India, Cambodia, Mongolia, Hmong, Nepal, Native Hawaiian, Indonesia, and Taiwan. In 2025, the series will include the cultures of Okinawa, Korea, and Hong Kong. You can register for the next Cultural Experience by going to the events page on this website.
In the spirit of the season, we are grateful for the support from our Members and Partners whose continued contribution to our work is greatly appreciated. I am personally grateful to the ACC Board of Directors and Staff who are dedicated to providing the connections that move us forward, especially as we venture into a new year with new opportunities!
Manigong Bagong Taon!
Fran Campbell
Asian Chamber of Commerce Colorado
444 Sherman St., Ste DBC | Denver, CO 80203 | 303-595-9737 Office | 720-480-8310 Cell
fcampbell@acccolorado.org | www.acccolorado.org